Per the Credit Card Authorization, you fully understand by submitting information via our portal, you are responsible for any amount that is assessed to THD for your hotel or temporary housing stay. This would include damages to the rental furnishings and/or excessive wear and tear of rental furnishings. Excessive wear and tear is determined by our home furnishing vendors. This card may also be used to cover property damages or deductions reported to THD. You understand that if you are sent payment for our services by your Insurance provider, you agree to forward this payment in full immediately to Temporary Housing Directory, Inc.
In addition, it is fully understood that any expenses not covered by my insurance company are the responsibility of the insured. Please Note: Damage/ incidental charges are not covered and will be your responsibility. You will need to place a valid credit card on file with THD for any unapproved stay, and/or deposits required by hotel. Please note that all credit card information is sent and stored in a secure PCI compliant system, and this information is never sold or distributed to a third party. This information is used for the sole purpose of payment for any charges not covered by your insurance company. If you have any questions or concerns relating to this transaction, please contact us at 800-817-3220, or by email at
Last updated: June 8, 2018